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Listening Session With Males Impacted By Commercial Sexual Exploitation

The National Center for Youth Law, MenHealing, Giant Slayer Consulting, and Bob's House of Hope is conducting a virtual listening session with male individuals who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, or who have traded or sold sex for anything of value, including money, food, place to stay, drugs, and/or hormones. The listening session is Thursday, October 27 at 3:30pm-5pm PT / 5:30pm-7pm CT / 6:30pm-8pm ET.

For far too long, males have been ignored in the conversations about the commercial sex industry, commercial sexual exploitation, and trafficking - we want to change that. We are hoping to learn from your expertise and experience about ways we can improve policies and practices to support and empower all young people impacted by the commercial sex trade.

We invite male individuals, age 18 or older, who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, or who have traded or sold sex for anything of value, including money, food, place to stay, drugs, and/or hormones, to participate. Participants will receive a $50 stipend for participation in a 1.5-hour virtual Zoom meeting. For more information, please see the flyer attached.

If you are interested in participating in our listening session, please sign up through this Google Form.

Please reach out to Erin French at if you have any questions about the listening session or need assistance signing up.